Nicole Santos

Speaks fluent English

Luxury escort, class A level, only for the demanding and selective. I serve men, well-groomed women and couples who have an open mind and are well resolved. Owner of a toned and hard body, with that delicate and sensual air, with full lips, a radiant smile and a provocative look. I would like to invite you to a moment connected to the soft touch of skin, warm kisses, an enveloping touch, providing you with endless moments of pleasure. If sex with one person is good, imagine having sex with three! Couples who don't yet have experience or those who already have, let's enjoy a moment for three? Come meet me! Can I now prove to you that everything I said is true? Get in touch and come check it out.

1 - photo of Nicole Santos

  Model information

Age:28 years old
Size Mannequin:4
Foot size:8.5
Skin color:Brunette
Color of Hair:Blond
Eye color:Maroon

  Culture and Service

Education and LanguageUniversity Level, Speaks English
Attendance:Who: Men, Women, Couples
Where: Events/Parties, Travels, to Combine
Meets in the neighborhoods:Downtown, South Zone, Barra, Recreio, Jacarepaguá, Tijuca
Also attends incall, situated: Rio de Janeiro - Zona Sul
Attendance - When:From Monday to Friday: attends 24 hours
On Saturdays: attends 24 hours
Sundays/Holidays: attends 24 hours
2 - photo of Nicole Santos
3 - photo of Nicole Santos
4 - photo of Nicole Santos
5 - photo of Nicole Santos
6 - photo of Nicole Santos
7 - photo of Nicole Santos
8 - photo of Nicole Santos
9 - photo of Nicole Santos

(21) 98297-7877
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