
Speaks basic English

Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Mel, a natural, fun and cool blonde escort. I have a beautiful body and seductive green eyes.
I love having new experiences, meeting interesting people who like me. I'll leave you free to release your fantasies and relax in style. Come and get to know me more closely, you will love it…

1 - photo of Mel

  Model information

Age:24 years old
Weight:123 Lbs
Size Mannequin:2
Foot size:7.5
Skin color:White
Color of Hair:Blond
Eye color:Green

  Culture and Service

Education and LanguageUniversity Level, Speaks English
Attendance:Who: Men, Couples
Where: Events/Parties, Travels, to Combine
Meets in the neighborhoods:Downtown, South Zone, Barra, Tijuca, São Conrado
Also attends incall, situated: Rio de Janeiro - Botafogo
Attendance - When:From Monday to Friday: from 08:00 AM to 11:00 PM
On Saturdays: from 08:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Sundays/Holidays: from 08:00 AM to 11:00 PM
2 - photo of Mel
3 - photo of Mel
4 - photo of Mel
5 - photo of Mel
6 - photo of Mel
7 - photo of Mel
8 - photo of Mel
9 - photo of Mel
10 - photo of Mel
11 - photo of Mel
12 - photo of Mel
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Os serviços anunciados não tem qualquer intermediação e são de inteira responsabilidade da Acompanhante e Garota de Programa.
Copyright 2005-2024 © - Acompanhantes Rio de Janeiro RJ, Garotas de Programa RJ, todos os direitos reservados.
Todas as modelos que aparecem neste site são maiores de idade.
A nossa equipe não agencia as modelos e não tem nenhum vínculo na contratação dos serviços por elas prestados.
O conteúdo desse site não é recomendável para menores de 18 anos.